1. Cash
- Record all cash transactions that have been made on the Google sheet "Cash Deposit".
- Count cash and remove the revenue from the cash tray and put it in the clear pouch. If needed, make sure coins and bills match up with the amounts shown on the labels in the cash tray.
- Count total amount of money in the clear pouch.
- Mark down the actual amount in the bag on Google sheet "Cash Deposit" and put your initials.
2. Pending Payments
- Make sure all guests have been charged and all bills have been closed.
- If a credit card got declined, let building coverage know and make a note for next day opening shift.
3. Goki Check
Verify all the late check-ins room codes are generated and working on the guest wooden door.
- If a code hasn't been generated, manually create it and send email to the guest letting them know their key code and room number.
4. Message building coverage from Telus business phone
Let building coverage know the number of guests left to check in, payment status and if there are any bags left in the mail room.
- Eg, 10 left to check in, 2 haven't paid(or all paid), and the backup code for the wooden door.
5. Put laptops back in the office room.
6. Make sure all doors and windows in the main building are closed and locked and lights are turned off.
7. Turn off lights in the mail room and close the door.
8. Turn off reception office lights and close the door.
9. Check East building - Make sure all doors are locked.