If the Goki Smartdisc battery runs very low (the percentage on the Spaces app, or the keypad will light up and flash for a second when it’s activated), please follow the steps below to rotate it with the fully charged one.

STEP 1: Make sure the backup you select is under the green light. To unlock it, turn it clockwise.

STEP 2: Take the battery and the round plastic piece to eject the disc

STEP 3: Remove the ring around the Smartdisc

STEP 4: Place the round disc onto the Smartdisc and apply firm pressure. You should hear and feel it disengage the disc

STEP 5: Carefully rotate it clockwise (the Gold pins are fragile) to gently separate them

STEP 6: Replace the battery with the fully charged one. When attaching it, ensure that the Gold pins and Chip are aligned > turn it clockwise to secure the lock.

STEP 7: Put it back into the lock, ensuring that the numbers are facing the correct direction > push it until you hear 3 distinct popping sounds.

STEP 8: Ensure that the battery status in the Spaces app is updated. If not, on your phone > turn Bluetooth on > Sync information system / Sync battery / or Click open > until the Disc battery percentage is updated

STEP 9: Reinsert the ring into the Disc and ensure it is securely in place. Tap the disc until the keypad light is flashing, indicating that it's working.

STEP 10: Return the used battery for charging by aligning it with the dock's node. Push and turn it counter-clockwise until it locks, and the indicator light turns red.