After completed the Doctoral thesis project
Upon receiving a complete draft copy, in the required format, the supervisor will respond in a timely fashion with possible further recommendations and changes. When the final draft is completely satisfactory in content and style, the thesis supervisor will approve it and notify the Research Ethics & Thesis Committee.
Oral Examination
The Thesis Project will be examined by a committee of three: the thesis supervisor, a second reader and an external reader. If one of the examiners cannot be present, their questions will be sent to the primary supervisor and a substitute faculty member will ask the questions on their behalf. After the opening remark, students will have 20 mins to make an oral presentation of their work. Then followed by a 30-60 mins DMIN committee's question time. The entire oral examination is approximately 3 hours long.
The DMIN Oral Presentation time structure is as follow:
Time | What | Who |
5-10 mins | Orientation Order of questions | DMin Committee only: Thesis supervisor Second reader External reader
Staff administrator (camera-on) |
2 mins | Student, guests, faculty, staff admitted | Staff administrator (start recording once student is admitted) |
5-8 mins | Introduction & background of DMin Committee and the student | Thesis supervisor leads |
5 mins | Outline the structure | Thesis supervisor leads |
2 mins | Opening prayer | Thesis supervisor leads |
20 mins | Oral presentation | Student |
30-60 mins | Questions | DMin Committee only |
10-20 mins | Questions | Core faculty only |
5 mins | Thank you’s Guests, faculty, staff exit Student placed in waiting room | Thesis supervisor leads (recording stops after student is in waiting room) |
20 mins | Deliberation | DMin Committee only (Student placed at waiting room) Staff administrator (camera-off) |
5 mins | Recommendation Requirements | (add student back, recording resumes) DMin Committee Thesis supervisor leads Student Staff administrator (camera-off) |
5 mins | Thank you’s | DMin Committee Student Staff administrator (camera-off) |