You've been working working hard throughout your DMIN program and finally have an accepted and ready-to-be submitted thesis. Congratulations! You're almost done! But now what?

One of the final things you will need to do is to compile your document into a final digital version and submit it to the Office of the Registrar with the specific components listed below. We now no longer require a physical, printed copy of the document for graduation, only digital copies. However, this may require a few extra steps depending on how your original document is set up.

Please ensure the first few pages of your project follow the structure below (Cover page, Abstract, Signatures, Table of Contents).

Cover Page

There should be a cover page which includes the components and styling listed below. The simplest method is to use this app we have created which will create a PDF for you (link to the app:, but you are also free to create it in another program as well.

Carey Theological College


(two lines double spaced if long)


Student Name

A Doctor of Ministry Project Submitted

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Ministry

Vancouver, British Columbia

Month, Year

The styling of the cover page should be a background colour #005ea5 and text colour #d4af37.

Abstract (with Keywords)

You will need to write an abstract of your document and provide keywords as well. The abstract should be no longer than 300 words and include a summary of what you did, why you chose to work on this project, what methods you used, and the results/conclusions of your project. You may even want to include a line on how this project would benefit churches.

Also include (not counted in the 300 words above) at least 5-6 keywords (you can include more if you desire, though anything beyond 15 is excessive) for the project. Think of these as search terms you would use if you were searching for your document, such as: "Spiritual Formation," "Discipleship," "1 Thessalonians," "Church Government."

The purpose of the abstract and keywords is to help someone find your project, get an overview of what it is about, and decide whether it will be relevant to them.


Include a copy of the signatures from your thesis supervisors and readers. This should have been shared with you already after your defense, but if not, please contact your supervisor or Sarah To in the President's Office (

Table of Contents

Your document should not only include a table of contents, but one that is navigable through links (sometimes known as bookmarks or internal links). Most text editors (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages) have this function built in, or you can do a search online for tips on how to create internal links. Typically they can be automatically created from the headings in your thesis, if you have not done this already.

Exported Version

Finally, compile all of these pages and the pages of your project into one document, and export them as a PDF. Again, most (if not all) text editors have this function built right in, either under "Save As" or "Export." Send this document to Office of the Registrar ( with the title, "[Student Name] DMIN Thesis". If you wish to also include other versions (.docx, .gdoc, EPUB, .txt, etc.) you can, but we require the document be in PDF version.

Once we have received the copy of the thesis, it will be added to our collection, and made available to select databases.